pete rowbottom landscape photography

November 2023 - Dinorwic Quarry Revisit by Pete Rowbottom

Another visit to Dinorwic, this time taking in a few new locations, to be honest I thought I’d done pretty much all of it but the places continues to throw up surprises in directions that you have somehow missed before. An old truck maintenance facilty was found along with a few tunnels and a selection of rutsing away old trucks plus changes to the quarry the weather and rockfalls bring, The idea behind these visits is to put my own style and stamp on the images from this fascinating place. The customary very changeable weather was again in place and allowed for some rather dramatic images. All available as prints and to license, please use the ‘Let’s Talk’ option at the top.

Winding reel

Hoisting Chains

Now cut off old slate building

‘The Caban’ in a brief moment of light.

Dali’s Hole - Autumnal Falls


Winding House in storm light.

Rail Incline

Illuminated Slate

Truck repair Shop

Truck Repair Pit

Lost Industry

Cable & Slate

End of the line

Abandoned Slate Trucks

Rusty Rails

Fallen Giant

Winding Light

Out again!! by Pete Rowbottom

Following the relaxation of the dreaded Covid Lockdown Rules, after what seemed an absolute eternity, I decided to head out , not too far up to one of my favourite spots, to just explore and to shoot a sunset if it happened, the trip was far more about getting out again, and getting back into using the camera equipment which has so sadly lain more or less unused for months with nothing inspiring me to go out shooting, and to get my hours up flying my drone, which is rapidly becoming a big part of my shoots. A fellow shooter, Mike Tonge, joined me for an Afternoon / Evening of what was more about just enjoying being outside again ,that a ‘regular’ photography trip.

Twistleton Scar, North Yorkshire, a fantasically remote spot, and with it’s Limestone Pavement all around gives a totally other worldly feel, which to be honest after the last god knows how many months was exactly what was needed and why I picked it….

Stark, and not a soul around, the branch to the fore has snapped off since my last visit

Stark, and not a soul around, the branch to the fore has snapped off since my last visit

A different persepctive

A different persepctive

Using the Landscape

Using the Landscape

End of the day, a couple of hours really well spent.

End of the day, a couple of hours really well spent.

Cave Dwelling - A rather wet revisit to Dinorwic by Pete Rowbottom

With the advent of Covid 19, travel has very much been restricted, and with it the photography options that come with travelling for imagery. Unusually for me to date (September 2020) I still haven’t been to the Lake District this year, although I’m looking to get up there really soon.

On the spare of the moment I decided to have a few days up in Snowdonia to revisit Dinorwic Quarry, and also to scout out some new locations, one great thing about Dinorwic is that it really does suit cloudy and wet weather, so if the dreaded rain should roll in you can still achieve some great images up there, well, at least sometimes you can, I got a lot more than I bargained for on the first day….

I had a couple of things I wanted to achieve on this visit, to a couple of caves that I had never visited before in the quarry, and also to get some shots with the drone I now own, now I am reasonably proficient with using it.. After checking the weather (which looked cloudy but dry) with big camera bag in tow, plus tripod, and the drone in it’s box, I set off towards the quarry once more. The caves are located to the rear of a gorgeous (and oddly coloured) pool called Dali’s Hole, upon arriving the pool was at a very high level on this visit due to the amount of rainfall that has occurred lately and the colour of it was incredible, a stark contrast to the dull hues of the slate quarry all around, only broken up by patches of colourful heather on the sides. I decided to set up for the first shot of the day, no sooner had I got set up it started to rain, not a lot at first, but enough to make it pointless shooting, so I figured I’d go to the caves and just wait for it to blow over….

Dali’s Hole

Dali’s Hole

I love exploring new places, and this location certainly has a ‘forgotten lost world’ feeling to it, here’s a few shots from inside the caves, the rain made for a great waterfall halfway in:

Home, for a few hours….

Home, for a few hours….

Slate cave and old pipe fitting

Slate cave and old pipe fitting

Inbetween Caves, and the waterfall

Inbetween Caves, and the waterfall

The Quarrymen of old

The Quarrymen of old

When I came to leave it was clear that I wasn’t going to be able to go out as the route was precarious in places and the rain was now coming down sideways, coupled with a very strong wind and the fact I’d only have one hand free to grip onto rocks I decided to wait it out in the cave for a couple of hours as the forecast was saying it would clear then. I set about getting more detailed shots and lighting the inside of the cave with a panel light I carry. A few hours passed, if anything it had just got worse, I checked the weather again and it had now changed to being the same all day! not wanting to spend a full day in a cave I just headed out into it and got completely soaked, taking my time I eventually got back to the car absolutely soaking wet.

Photography wise, the rest of the day was a write off, so an afternoon was spent ‘planning’ with a few Pints and a (really superb) Curry later on. - if you like Indian food then try Spice of Llanberis if you are in town! I’ve been 3 times now and has been great every time -

The following morning, there was an exceptional sunrise over Lyn Padarn, and I got to explore more of the quarry that I hadn’t visited before, including using the drone, I think I’ve probably done about 90% of it now, but no doubt there are many features that I will still find on upcoming visits.

A selection of images from the trip:

‘The Caban’ and other quarry buildings

‘The Caban’ and other quarry buildings



Dinorwic wild goat

Dinorwic wild goat

Heather & Rust

Heather & Rust

A splash of nature

A splash of nature

Sunrise over Lyn Padarn and Dinorwic

Sunrise over Lyn Padarn and Dinorwic

I’m going to try and get a map of the place together, this might take a while so bear with me, it really is an enourmous place, but with care can be visited without a map, exploring it is all part of the fun, very much a sense of discovery in many ways.

Printing your work - Saal Digital Photobooks by Pete Rowbottom

While I was up in Scotland a few weeks ago, a Company called Saal Digital - granted me a £100 credit to compile a Photobook, I had never used these guys before and it had been ages since I had compiled a photobook, literally years, so I decided to give them a go as their products looked very good.

Outer Cover

Outer Cover

Saal market themselves as a ‘high end quality’ producer of Photobooks, so with this is mind I set about the task of picking the images I wanted to see in a book from my Portfolio.

For anyone who’s ever done this who has a sizeable boody of work, you will know this isn’t an easy task, but it is fun looking back through your catalogue of shots, selecting a load of images, and then gradually whittling them down to the ones you are going to use.

I started off with a 30 page book (you can add or subtract pages easily as you go along), needless to say that 30 just was not going to cut it as I had built up that much material I wasn’t prepared to leave certain images out of the selection, so I ended up with double what I started out with - 60 pages…

I have to say I was really impressed with their website as there were to hand tutorials for the creation of the book everywhere, they do make the process really easy for you, which is what you want when you are doing this, no coming up against brick walls so to speak. You download their software onto your PC and create the book within that, saving as you go along, until you are finished and upload to the checkout basket, simples.

Really well bound, and quality leather outer

Really well bound, and quality leather outer

Once I had my photo’s selected I do what I always do before printing and made sure all the images were converted to SRGB colour space, then I brightened each one slighty (1.2 gamma correction setting in Photoshop - image - adjustments- exposure) to compensate for the backlit monitor I was viewing the images on.

I opted for High End Matte Paper and a Black Leather cover… uploaded, paid, and that was that.

A few days later the book arrived and I have to say I’m absolutely over the moon with it! The quality of the book as soon as you take it out of the wrapper is evident, nice to touch, the paper inside is more like a thick card that the pictures really look good on, the colour rendition is great, and the printing is superb, basically the images look EXACTLY how I want them to look. I’d have absolutely no problem presenting this to a gallery or client to display my work.

Setting B/W off with a black background looks great on this paper

Setting B/W off with a black background looks great on this paper

East to resize images to fit your page - (the colours are a lot better in the flesh)

East to resize images to fit your page - (the colours are a lot better in the flesh)

Slight shadow under the image make it really stand out on the page

Slight shadow under the image make it really stand out on the page

These books really are good quality, and look amazing, there are much cheaper options out there, but as that saying goes - you get what you pay for, and here that is certainly true.

Overall, would I use them again? Absolutely,


The use of Graduated ND filters in Landscape Photography. by Pete Rowbottom

Graduated ND filters, ND grads, (or GND’s as I’ll call them for the benfit of this blog post), a great subject to stir up a discussion…


They serve one purpose, to darken one area of the image being taken, leaving the rest of the image untouched, 99% of the time this is the sky, as it’s 2-3 stops brighter than the land, they come in different strengths allowing you to darken the area by however much you need to stop it being too bright and becoming ‘blown out’ , giving you an overall balanced image. A brilliant bit of kit, but….

There are those who say they simply aren’t needed anymore with the advent of digital, you can apply GND’s in camera RAW, or you can bracket your images and blend them later on using numerous methods, taking darker exposures as required for the sky to again avoid it becoming blown out, and while I 100% agree that this does work perfectly well, and occasionally I’ll use these options if the need arises, but I’ll tell why I prefer to use them over the digital method. I talked a little about this in Birmingham, at the NEC Photography Show, a lot of people were interested in the angle I was coming from and said they hadn’t thought about it like that before, so I thought I’d write a blog post on it.

There are a few reasons why I choose to use GND’s.

  1. Long Exposure Photography, (hypothetical scene) let’s say you are shooting a long exposure seascape for instance. You get your 10 stop filter on and you shoot the scene without a GND, you calculate an exposure time of 30 seconds and take your shot. In your shot the sky isn’t blown out but it’s at the limit on the right histogram of how far you can go before the sky starts to blow out., but the water in the sea doesn’t look right, it needs longer to smooth it right out. Now from this point you could easily take a few expsoures exposing the sea for longer and blend them later on, the one thing you cannot do is expose the sky for longer than 30 seconds as it will blow out, no matter what you do this IS going to happen. But what if I add a GND in PP later? sure it may recover some of the blown out area but why risk that? also if you ever seen a long exposure image with moving clouds dragging right across the scene you will know how beautiful they can be, and unless the clouds are moving very fast 30 seconds is not going to give you a lot of movement so the image will lack that ‘movement’ feel to it, The solution ? you will need to lengthen the entire exposure, doubling or maybe tripling the expsoure time to get those clouds moving right through the scene. This is only acheivable by by adding a GND, unless you’re happy to just fake it in PS later, which I’m not.

2. Less time in post production - why spend more time on an image than you have to, wrestling with a sky to get it back down to what it could already be in camera can be time consuming and in my opinion can also look poor if not done correctly, get it right in camera.

3. Envisaging your final scene in the field - going back to number 1 a little, you’ve shot your scene with your GND on, you’ve pushed the image as far as it can go you can now preview your shot image, lets say you now have beautful cloud movement, brilliant, you can see the preview of this now balanced exposure and how the clouds will look in each image, by blending images later or shooting images that will need digital expsoure adjustments later on in PP you miss this stage, so you really don’t know if you have come away with a great image until you get home, and if you’re at the other side of the world, or even a few hours drive away when you find out you’ve fluffed your shot when you had the chance, if you care, that’s going to really hurt!

These are obviously only my thoughts on the matter but I wanted to share my views on it since people were interested on my take on it. There’s nothing worse than knowing you ‘could’ have had that image !

Ambassador for NiSi and Fotopro UK by Pete Rowbottom

Really pleased to announce that from today I will be a UK brand ambassador for NiSi Filters, and also a UK ambassador for Fotopro tripods, many thanks to Mark Andreas Jones for inviting me to be part of the team, really looking forward to working with you.

Here’s the link to the webpage -

Here's an image I took using the Fotopro TL-64CL,LG-7R ball head. And Nisi S5 150mm system in Iceland.

Nikon D810 14-24 f/2.8, Nisi S5 150mm system, Fotopro TL-64CL,LG-7R ball head

Nikon D810 14-24 f/2.8, Nisi S5 150mm system, Fotopro TL-64CL,LG-7R ball head

Nikon D810 14-24 f/2.8, Nisi S5 150mm system, Fotopro TL-64CL,LG-7R ball head

Nikon D810 14-24 f/2.8, Nisi S5 150mm system, Fotopro TL-64CL,LG-7R ball head

NISI .png